A Helping Hand

Our financial planners share their thoughts about financial planning, the economy and the markets.

The Race to Zero and Below

Aka: the “Case of the Missing Interest” or “The Inverted Yield Curve Goes Mainstream” I need to apologize in advance if I overuse superlatives in this post.

Ever Changing Narratives

It has been interesting to step back during the Covid-19 crisis and take a look at the various themes, or narratives, being promulgated by the popular, as well as the financial, press.

Journal of Beliefs

Twenty years ago, I began an exercise designed to help clarify our investment philosophy and further refine the firm’s policies. The task was, each day for a month, to write down one “belief”.

Stick With Your Plan (To the tune of “Up on the Housetop”)

Tax reform enacted, to start the year January markets kicked to high gear February came and stocks quickly fell What to do now, should we buy or sell? Ho, Ho, Ho!

Keeping to our Knitting - Restating of Key Principles

Last month I wrote about the folly of market timing. In particular, I mentioned how many uncertainties seemed to have resolved, yielding perhaps an “all-clear” signal.

The Virtues of Not Having a Market Opinion

Following up on last month’s commentary when I listed some of our key principles, I thought I would delve further into the area of trying to predict the market as I’m often asked what I think is going to happen next.

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