A Helping Hand

Our financial planners share their thoughts about financial planning, the economy and the markets.

The Reality of Market Predictions

This summer several clients brought up recent headlines touting hedge fund manager Michael Burry’s latest market prediction and subsequent bet on a U.S. stock market crash. Michael Burry is widely known as a hedge fund manager .....

The Right Career Move

Whether actively sought or just a passing moment of frustration, almost everyone has thought about whether to look for a new job. Millions of Americans participated in the Great Resignation...

On Life Transitions...And Some Keys to Financial Success

My dad, as he got older, would respond to people who said positive things about him aging well that “…there are three stages in life - ‘childhood’, ‘adulthood’, and ‘you...

Backdoor Roth IRA Contributions for High Earners

In the middle of the tax filing season for 2022, many investors may wonder about making contributions to a non-employer retirement account for the prior tax year...

Do You Need An Estate Plan?

A common question financial planners often hear is “do I need an estate plan?” The short answer is yes but putting together an estate plan is often a lot less involved than most people think.

Goals For The Good Life

The recently published book, The Good Life, written by Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz, delves into the concept of happiness. It is based on the findings of the Harvard...

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