A Helping Hand

Our financial planners share their thoughts about financial planning, the economy and the markets.

T’was the Night Before Christmas

T’was the night before Christmas, as I readied for bed, Events of the past year, running all through my head. It is amazing how fast the year has gone by, Like reindeer...

Frosty the Saver

Frosty the Saver Was a humble happy man With a modest job And 401K and A written financial plan Frosty the Saver Lived well within his means His credit was...

The Grinch

Every Who down in Who-ville saved and invested a lot… But the Grinch, Who lived just north of Who-ville, did NOT! The Grinch hated saving! He preferred to spend...

T’was the Night Before Christmas (2011 Version)

Twas the night before Christmas, a time full of cheer As I started to reflect, on the events of past year It has been a bumpy ride, in the markets and news Bombarded...

When the Dollar Cracks

Weakening U.S. Dollar Might Signal Shifting Winds The U.S. dollar has been quite strong since the high in U.S. stocks set in January of 2018. As the markets are approaching new highs...

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